Thank you all for the responses. We are looking at the play date idea, and involving his teacher. I do not wish him to see himself at fault, and I want him to know we are their to support him. I agree that the older boy may not have seen the hurt (The actual ball hit) and the fear DS now has. My big issue is more then just the bully, their will always be bullys. Its how DS learns to deal with people like this, and how we can best support him. Our older DS18 had a middle school bully, bigger stronger type. DS was afaraid of him and let his fear guide how he reacted. His uncle gave DS boxing lessons, at one time he had over a much stonger boy (He hit the heavy bag so hard it made me nervouse) The boy was asked not to go all out, but he was also a little afraid wwhen he spared with DS then 13. The boy hit our son hard and bloodied his nose. This may sound bad, but it turned out good. They kept sparing and DS learned not to be afraid. Yes a punch to the nose can hurt, but if he could take a punch from this much stronger boy he coukld then stand up to the bully. The bully issue went away with our sons new found confidance. He never actually confronted the bully, he just changed how he dealt with one. I was bullied alot and now when I look back I see the target I helped create, I do not say bullying is ok, or that its the victems fault. But, you can change how you react and I belive that is something that will carry you though later on. Its not good to be a victim with a victims mentallty. My 2 cents worth anyway. I also think Karate, Boxing etc.. may be good.