Originally Posted by MsFriz
Our small private school teaches kids according to ability rather than age. My DS6 is in a classroom of 10 first, second and third graders. Within this class, each student is given an individualized curriculum based on pretesting at the beginning of the year. As a result, DS6 (who would be a kindergartner in our public system) is getting second and third grade math, fourth grade grammar and 5th grade spelling. In the same classroom, there are kids who have delays, so some of the third graders might still be working on first grade material. Because individualization is the norm in this place, none of the kids think anything of it. My son assumes all schools teach this way and often doesn't even realize he's getting advanced material. It's pretty great.

Where is this place!? It sounds great, but as a private school, they sadly would not accept/accommodate my child with Asperger Syndrome.