DS is in our public school's HG program which is a single school for gifted kids, not a pull out program (upper 1/2% achievement and IQ to qualify) They are open to acceleration in math, but cautious about it - they seem to focus more on enrichment across subjects. This year in kindergarten they put him and several other kindergarten kids into the 1st grade math class, and now after repeat testing they are going to put him in the 3rd grade math class. It still won't be a challenge to him, but it's better than nothing. If being in math with the 3rd grade gifted class doesn't work because of maturity issues and being somewhere on the spectrum, we have made a back up plan with the teacher who will be his 1st grade teacher to have him do EPGY while the rest of the class is doing their 1st grade math. We offered to pay for the EPGY if it is needed- probably could ask them to pay for it, but am just happy that they are willing to work with us to provide our son with an appropriate curriculum.