
We may be moving to the Boston area just in time for DS5 to start K. Probably not Boston precisely, but Cambridge, Newton, Quincey, Lexington? Three major concerns in choosing where to live are: schools, minimizing commute to Cambridge area since that's where major job opportunities are focused for us, and cost of house/rent.

Can anyone help with how to think about schools and schools for a gifted kid in schools in this general area? I see MA is not "gifted-friendly" via info at the Davidson link on the left of this page... I understand that some of the area schools deal with enrollment on a lottery basis, which sounds alarming. I'd like to stay in the public system for financial reasons.

Not sure what DS may need, and I know that's a big factor. He may be fine in a regular public school classroom, although he'd be the quiet, wallflower type probably, no matter how unengaged he was. he is very happy in his 24 kid+2 teacher preK/K mixed class currently. I'm now wishing we had some testing as guidance for whether he may need something beyond a regular classroom with his age peers.

Do we go for the best overall school district we can afford, hope for the best with the lottery system (if that's how it works) and see how things go? In the vein of, do the best you can for schooling now, and adjust as necessary?

Thanks for reading the ramble, appreciate any thoughts or direction towards reading material!
