Welcom GreeneTiki -
Did you find: http://www.pisd.edu/parents/advanced.academics/gifted.pace/index.shtml

Based on that document, it looks like PACE is looking to identify students who are functioning at or above 2 standard deviations (96%) on nationally normed tests... Your DD's MAP Achievement and NNAT and CogAT nonverbal are all scoring above their cut off.

How old is your DD? What grade is she in? How are things going for her in school?

From the web document, it looks like the kids are clustered in groups of 4-10 identified students and given teachers who have had some level of training in gifted. There is also a pull out program that provides services 30minutes to 3 hours a week depending on the grade level.

Like every other gifted kid, one has to look at how life at school is going for the child and see if there is a nice mix of learning, learning to have good work ethic (the emotional learning of dealing with the fact that learning is challenging at times) and relating well to classmates.

It is impossible to tell from scores alone if any educational program is going to work for any kid, but with the above scores it is at least reasonable to think that what the school offers might be a good fit.

How are things going with the ADHD?

Love and More Love

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