We also force short-term commitments, and don't make a big deal about the inevitable "I'm awful" and "I hate this" complaints along the way. We just tend to be matter-of-fact about the NEED for physical activity.

Golf, swimming and martial arts have been our winners here, but DD is just inherently a rather sedentary child.

With perfectionistic kids, the bigger danger is in unhealthy perfectionsim that gets rolled into a competitive athletic environment. For that reason, I'm so glad that we don't have DD in dance or gymnastics, both of which are so prone to force girls that direction.

With boys, wrestling and size/strength oriented sports seem to produce similar effects, depending upon the coach and team environment.

Cycling is another possiblity, if your child enjoys it. Another idea that is unusual and FORCES self-forgiveness and patience-- dog agility. Yes, it's much more "physical" for the person than most people think. It's also FUN.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.