Here in FL they mix up the classes every single year. There are 7 K classes and 18 kids in each class...there are 7 first grade classes. Chances are you won't be in class the following year with more that 2 or 3 kids from your class the year before (and the kids withdraw and move around a lot, very mobile area).

There are three exceptions...if you are in the class that has the ESOL support teacher team teaching and you need it again the next year you might have classmates from year to year. If you are in the class with ESE support teacher team teaching and you don't get dismissed you probably will have classmates year to year. And if you are assigned to the teacher certified as a gifted instructor for that grade, you probably get the same classmates. But just an average kid gets mixed up year to year.

Last edited by Claire2LilBears; 05/05/11 05:39 PM. Reason: clarity