Originally Posted by Katbarber
Any suggestions? Since he was having bouts of extra noise in the class in his boring subjects, I took him to a psychologist (gifted). She suggested skipping 4th because he was under served.

I am caught between a rock and a hard place. Any suggestions are appreciated.

I think that it is probably not that they 'won't' meet his needs in the agepeer classroom, but that it isn't possible. Even if you had a super teacher (and who can rely on that year after year?) who could totally tailor the curriculum to your child year after year, what about having a group of learning peers? The best teacher in the world can't create that if the child is unusally more beyond the agemates.

Do you have IQ and achievement test results to give you an idea of LOG (Level of giftedness) - that might help you weigh and balance.

If I'm reading the quote above correctly, you son is acting up and making noise while he is bored, yes? If this is true, then you can not leave the decision in his hands. His lips say 'No, No' but his eyes say 'Yes, Yes.'

Some helpful tips to twist the arms of reluctant kids who truely are high LOG, and just don't have a choice:
1) Blame the principle "Honey it's not up to me"
2) Blame reality "Honey, I'm sorry but that's just the way it is."
3) Guided imagry of all the homework that will be missed by skipping the grade.
4) Set up a few playdates with likely boys in the recieving class
5) Sit and observe the recieving teacher - it will help you be enthusiastic.

Best Wishes,

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