FWIW, group tests of this sort don't catch all gifted kids. My youngest wouldn't have qualified for GT programming with her CogAT scores although her WISC-IV (IQ scores) more than qualified. Non-verbal was her highest area on the CogAT as well.

I guess what I'd be thinking about is -- does she need GT programming? If you think that the CogAT and MAPS are an underestimation of your dd's aptitude or that she isn't getting her needs met in the std classroom, that would be when I'd be looking into it further.

My dd is a very out of the box thinker and has ADD. Those also don't help on a multiple choice test. Again, if something else is standing in the way of your dd having shown what she can do on a test of this sort, I might look further.

If not on both fronts, I would probably not worry much about it at this point.