I emailed the principal ... here are the emails...

Mr. M,

We are looking at the early entrance to kinder guidelines. I think this may be a good fit for our son E (EJ). I do have a few questions regarding the process. When will the MAP test be administered? If he doesn't score a 90% but lets say scores in the 80th percentile.. will there be subject acceleration available? I have little doubt regarding him scoring that high if not higher in math. I am not sure where a 90% (RIT 170) would be. He currently attends kindergarten at the Academy of Early Learning.

Thank you for your time


Mrs. D,

I'm inquiring as to when the test will be administered. When I hear back I'll be sure to let you know.

If EJ doesn't make the 90th percentile we would differentiate as needed. For example, we have many students who come to us being able to read in kindergarten and some who still don't know the entire alphabet.

I'll be in touch with the testing dates.

Chris M

Mr. M,
Thank you for your response! I didn't quite finish a thought in there .. I have no doubt about him scoring high enough in math. Would there be acceleration there? He completes quite a bit of Frannie's first grade math. I am not sure about where he would fall on reading. He does read. We are currently reading Biscuit books. We will be attending the kindergarten round up on Wednesday with Ms. P.

Thank you again
Sheila D

Yes...we would differentiate for math just as we would for reading. If he's capable of doing more challenging math...we can always provide him with work that will challenge his ability level.

Chris M