My daughter has, basically, outgrown her IEP. We have the review tomorrow (and I'm not happy about the short notice but it's not a hill I'm interested in dying on), and will be discussing commuting it to a 504. Anyone have any thoughts, experience, etc. with doing this?

Background-- she's 12, finishing 7th grade, gifted/Asperger's, though her actual qualifying category is OHI because of an anxiety d/o. This is her first year back after being homeschooled since the spring of fourth grade (long ugly story), and it's been pretty successful. She's not having therapies, and the special ed coordinator has stopped scheduling resource time with dd because of dd's lack of enthusiasm for the experience (you'd think she'd be familiar with middle schoolers, but I digress...)
My concern is the transition to high school, and I don't want anything to happen now that will potentially screw it up.

"I love it when you two impersonate earthlings."