The first testing we did on DD1 as an OT assessment, and they found her to be very poorly integrated in terms of her senses, all top and bottom, that she still has some primitive reflexes and her visual processing speed is about 5 times faster than her auditory processing speed. Making her visual speed well above average and her auditory speed below what is considered acceptable to function well in a class room. He suggested that her sensory profile was enough of a mess on it's own to be causing her problems, but if her IQ was more than one standard deviation above her average sensory profile that was only going to enhance her problems - and it's more like 2+ deviations.

Next she saw an Ed Psych, who noted that she first thought that DD was a classic case of Inattentive ADD - until she introduced tests with a visual component and realized DD had no trouble focusing on visual tests. Like the OT she also suggested a strong auditory deficit with likely auditory processing disorder, which is apparently often linked with poor working memory. I don't think it was directly to do with her WISC results (other than the appalling working memory) so much observations during testing that lead the Psych to suggest auditory processing issues.

The pscyh recommended a review by an audiologist, which we are finally doing now 2 years later. We didn't do it at the time for various reasons, amongst which was that it wasn't urgent then because she was already getting amazing support at school and a formal diagnosis wasn't going to add anything. But as she gets older a formal diagnosis will give her more time on exams etc.

At the time we felt like the OT and Ed Psych we saw 2 yrs ago painted a really clear picture of DD1 and she has made great progress since. However, since DD2's testing a few weeks ago and my doing more research and learning about 2E kids I do question why the psych we saw did not comment with such extreme scatter (40+ points) that DD was likely gifted and compensating and that both her top and bottom scores might be inaccurate. I also wish she had talked to us about the visual-spatial idea that was only put to us a few weeks ago when we called a new psych about re-testing both girls on the SB-V. I don't think that the visual-spatial learning is the only issue with DD, but it really does explain a lot too.