My eldest has auditory processing issues and an appalling working memory (13th percentile on WISC-IV, compared to 96th percentile VCI). It's been suggested to me by another psych, who we are planning to re-test with on the SB-V, that it just shouldn't be possible to get scatter as severe as hers. Whether the new testing does or does not reveal something different, she's just like my DH - in that she seems unable to hold and manipulate random facts delivered orally.

She has a memory like an elephant for everything else but if you try speaking 2 instructions there is almost NO chance she will remember both of them and it's random whether it's the first or last one that get's lost. It's a bit puzzling to me exactly how this works but working memory is quite separate from the ability to understand the concept. Certainly for myself, my DH and it seems DD we will generally remember forever something we have understood (ie the concept of how an equation works) but DH and DD are not necessarily able to understand and manipulate in their heads the data that needs to be computed with the equation. Which from recent reading seems to be a trait of the strongly visual-spatial learner with an auditory-sequential deficit. When I read some of Dr. Silverman's articles on visual spatial learners I was laughing out loud at how perfectly my DD was described.