Hey! Dottie's book can't be any worse than my new book club's current fiction selection. I have to highlight just to see where I've read....

But on I press!

Congrates on the scores, I guess the question is, can he get you an appointment with a collegue this week and can he choose one who can get the write up done within 2 weeks? Sorry about the money, but in the face of her physical health, - just say "GO!"

A verbal score of 140 is solidly above the Moderately Gifted Range. I say that because WISC or SBV 145 on VIQ is Davidson YSP's version of PG, and 140 is only 1/3rd of a Standard Deviation away from that, no matter what the full scale score says.

I also think that part of what made school hard for my son around 2nd grade was his 'spiky' profile, 99.9 on VIQ, but much lower on PIQ. I think it meant that he could notice that many children who couldn't 'think' as well as he could, could 'do school' better than he could. Very confusing - From his 2nd grade teacher's point of view it was: "He must just not be trying, because he stumbles on the worksheets but rescues me time and time again during class discussions."

So I say, do not delay - kiss your hopes of normality and your money good-by. Not sure that the school will accept the score, but I predict that you will feel much more grounded. Think of it as training expense in your unpaid job as parent, if that helps.


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