Okay, seriously, allergic to elementary teachers??? We are ALL wonderful beings and we ALL love our jobs and do them equally well. There was a mold made and it was perfect!!!

All kidding aside, I won't go as far as saying that migraines and gifted go together, but it makes sense. The same as my "nurse abuser" needs some extra TLC. I know that she is often "sick" because someone needs to give her some special attention. (And yes, she is often making herself physically sick.) The same way, I have a very emotional, very "highly talented" (I'm trying to practice that phrase since it is our new term you know) that I can watch his wheels turn and almost see him get frantic in front of my eyes.

Sometimes it may be because the challenge isn't there, but (don't be upset with me here) most of the time he stresses when I throw something out there that is a true challenge and stretches him. I truly believe that he is afraid of not being perfect and making a mistake.

Hopefully if we get a program going in the primary grades we will be over that by 4th grade. However, somewhere those kids have to learn that they aren't perfect and it is okay to make a mistake. That is probably going to be in a classroom where they are being challenged.

He is beginning to relax, but this year my other really top notch boys have pulled him in socially. I will forever be indebted to those young men because they have offered something that NO teacher could. Every child needs a friend and he just didn't fit. Somehow, they made him fit and he is one of the guys.

I like the phrase "work with" the schools. I can tell you that the other approach may get what you want, but in all likelihood it will not be delivered in the way you want it. None of us like to have the kid that the parent has made life a living nightmare for someone before us. (Been there/ done that and it is not fun.) Yes, you need to get what is right for you child, but PLEASE try the semi-calm approach first. I DO not even want to have your child (perfect fit for my class or not), if I know that you are the parent ogre.

One last thought, and this is gifted child or not, do find out what might be going on at school. There are so many factors having nothing to do with the educational aspect at all. Is someone bullying your child? I have fourth graders that are petrified of one of our sixth graders. He is Soooooooooo much bigger than they are and he bosses them around. Not really mean, just domineering. Is the teacher there? Having just been gone (for only two days), I had some major complaints from parents about kid complaints they never have gotten before about not wanting to come to school. The list is endless. Kids (and teachers) can be cruel. Please check.....you DO have a problem.

Kriston, today I am not allergic to those elementary kids. They just make me sick.
(Literally!!! The flu is going around, along with strep, and a bunch of other unnamed germs. My students' absences have been unreal!! In fact, we have truly been nurse (AB)users this past couple of weeks!)