My psychologist friend gave DD9 the WASI yesterday. He had been planning on giving her the new SB to get more experience with it, but he changed his mind. I think during the car ride on the way over he realized how verbal she was and that the WISC would be better. I don't know why he didn't give her the full WISC, but he did mention that if she has a test at school it would be the WISC and he didn't want to give her the same thing.

Anyway, I have forgotten some of the specifics (I've emailed him to find out), but her verbal score was in the 99th percentile (140 if I remember correctly). Her lowest of the four subtests was block design, but she was still in the 90th percentile on that. She does appear to have a verbal/performance discrepancy, and the psych did mention that visual tasks were harder for her. I can't remember her FSIQ right now. I was just glad to hear the 140 verbal number!

Although this was a quick estimate, it does justify what DH and I have said about DD9 all along--that she's verbally gifted.