Originally Posted by elizabethmom
The principal has been different with DD5, perhaps because she knows us. She asked if we can put her in K next year, because it is such a "sweet year" and maybe skip 1st. I thought that was interesting, but confusing and not really bound by research or knowledge of PG kids.

Actually this is not necessarily a terrible idea, especially if the K situation is not highly academic, is more child-led then 1st grade, and is half-day, and if the 1st grade year is the "learn to read year" when the teachers are very focused on leaving no child behind...

This is how it is in our school system, and if we had stuck it out in the school system, DS7 would have had his good K year and would have skipped his dismal 1st grade year. (At least, he would have if I had had my way...)

Of course, that doesn't mean this solution is right for your child with your school and your teachers. But if the principal is suggesting it--and the skip is really offered there for 1st grade and not just an empty promise--then I'd recommend that you at least consider it.

If memory serves, I think this is a solution recommended by Dr. Ruf for HG+ kids, and I know a number of "regulars" around here did this and liked it.

