Myths and stereotypes about giftedness are widespread and may be difficult to debunk.

Here are a few documentaries on giftedness, which may be of interest:

1) learning world: Gifted Children (10:31) - euronews (2012)

2) Rise (trailer) (7:20) documentary - P. Susan Jackson, The Daimon Institute (2015)

3) The "G" word (15:26) - Dr. Jim Delisle (2010)... inspired by the poem Don’t Mention the “G” Word (Shhh!) by James R. Delisle
This article originally appeared in the 2001, Spring edition of Understanding Our Gifted...

Don’t Mention the “G” Word (Shhh!)
This poem is dedicated to Dr. Seuss.

It used to be, when folks were bold
And words weren’t minced, and truth was told,
That people spoke a common tongue
They used a term we all once heard,
Simply put, the big “g” word.

But now....shhh! can’t say “gifted,”
For if you do, you will have drifted
To a place of ill repute
Where malcontented folks refute
There’s such a thing as a higher state
Of mind, of heart, of depth or rate
Of thinking, feeling, knowing, being,
Sensing, asking, crying, seeing.
These “g” word critics have lost their balance.
They think that “gifted” equates with “talents.”
And the “g” word (shhh!) is just taboo.

Away! Away! They say to gifts
Thinking this denial lifts
All children to a common place
Where people do not have to face
The truth, that some have deeper thoughts
Than others, not by plans or plots,
To use their wits and thus, have gained
A higher ground of greater knowing,
A deeper depth, a profound showing
Of empathy, knowledge, wisdom, wit
That “g” word (shhh!), it still doth fit
These children, who’ve become a part
Of a world that’s known right from the start
That some are gifted, in both mind and heart.

Sadly, though, too few take heed,
They spout “All children can succeed!”
“...Yes, that is true!” in haste I add
But when did it become so bad
To use the “g” word to define
Those able few whose intact minds
Race forward, faster, ever strong,
‘Tis not a question of right or wrong,
Or better than, or me ‘gainst you.

“But I know that the gifted, too,
Have special needs” we must now say
For if we don’t, they’ll go away
To a place where “gifted” equates with “bad.”
It’s way too wrong, and downright sad.
For when all are treated just the same
In this “multiple talents” or “inclusion” game
Then no one need be tagged or labeled,
That “g” word (shhh!), it can be tabled,
Pushed far into the deep, dark past,
That “g” word (shhh!) might breathe its last.
(Some may be happy, I’m aghast!)

For the gifted (shhh!) have always been
They always shall, for it’s no sin
To be smarter than some, more able than most.
My dream? To someday serve as host
Of a feast where famous athletes talk
Of that new sensation, the “knowledge jock,”
And swim for miles in big, deep pools
Of learning, hoping that others see
That knowledge jocks. Yes, they deserve to be
Applauded and cheered, as their minds are set free.

And if it should happen that this day should come,
I’ll lead a parade with a big, bold bass drum
With a rat-a-tat loudness that gives out a cheer
That the gifted are with us, they’ve always been here.

They won’t go away, never will, never can,
So let us just hope that each woman and man
Will embrace the idea “It’s OK to be smart.”
And my idea of a good place to start?
Let’s deliver the “g” word from persona non grata
And make it a good term, for it truly does matter
That the “Shhhing” end soon, so our children can know
That it’s OK to be gifted; it’s OK to grow.
4) a personal favorite - Misdiagnosis of Gifted Children (14:21) - SENG (2012)

5) another one called The G Word (currently in production)

The "Gifted" movie is not a documentary, but touches on many of the experiences which parents tend to post about in these forums.