1) Has everyone seen the 2015 education documentary Class Dismissed?

2) Another interesting upcoming documentary, currently in production: selftaughtmovie.com
Originally Posted by About Self Taught movie
... Are they “successful” in life?
... how do they define success for themselves?
... what it means to be a self-directed learner
... extrinsic and intrinsic motivation...
A wide variety of definitions of "success" were discussed in this recent thread: What is "successful"?

Self Taught movie's Production Update #4 talks about college admissions after homeschooling or unschooling.
For all Production Updates, see the Self Taught movie blog webpage.

3) Updated to add a link to this documentary: Short film discussing SMPY's 45 years (hat tip to Cranberry) smile
Here is a thread discussing a related article on the SMPY longitudinal study.