Originally Posted by doubtfulguest
Originally Posted by Mk13
Originally Posted by aquinas
5. You find yourself speaking to your DC's age peers and look completely socially inept because you have no idea how to relate to normative behaviour.

or when you find yourself speaking to your DC's age peers the way you normally talk to your child and they give you the deer in the headlight look because they have absolutely no idea what you're trying to say! lol

ha – so true!

i often totally forget my kid is really weird – after prolonged exposure, she seems normal to me! well, at least until i have other parents assuming she's just the tiniest 12 y/o they've ever met... (she just turned 8.)

but i guess this is totally fair, since i actually have no idea how old their kids are, either. DD is friends with a girl i assumed was around 11 – they dance in two classes together, and she's a lovely, lovely friend. and apparently 14.


/also - HI everyone!!

Hi again DG! Welcome back!

Yes...we definitely still have this going on, but with the advantage that DS is verrrry tall for age. I remain--years later--still incompetent at identifying other children's age. Even on a pure size basis, I often under-estimate other kids' age by 2-4 years.

What is to give light must endure burning.