Sexual assault is serious problem that is nonetheless less a very different one from the one on the OP.

I've met enough parents who bleat about IVY LEAGUE SCHOOLS! and ALL As! that I've been thoroughly disgusted with them (and the admissions committees that feed the frenzy) for many years.

I live in an area where teenagers step in front of trains to escape the pressures of the local high schools. Most of them are boys (who are at lower risk of sexual assault), as are most college students who kill themselves (do a web search). Around here, teenagers in high-pressure school districts spend much of their summer vacations studying in the local libraries and elsewhere. They aren't there for the love of AP Calc; they're there because they're being compliant, and most of them look like they'd rather be somewhere else. I taught at a local skating rink. On my first day, they told me to stay in the center of the rink on report card day to avoid being browbeaten by parents who were irate that their little success machines didn't pass the beta 2 level. I saw parents berating their kids over this stuff, and very, very unhappy kids on the ice, including those who had the potential to do well in big competitions. They frowned their way through beautiful axels while parental units stood at the wall frowning in judgment.

Unreasonable parental expectations are toxic, especially when they center on external appearances, which is what this stuff is all about.