This is my first post. I'm in the exact same boat as you it seems. DS7 struggled through first grade. Motivation was lost about 3 weeks in. He lived for the the weekends and mathnasium! It is very difficult to watch your child be unhappy in an environment where you thought they would excel.

I ended up meeting directly with the principal who was extremely supportive verbally but nothing new was implemented before year end. We are now heading into 2nd with hopes that a new classroom teacher and my advocacy early in the year will set him up well. In the meantime, we are seeking out educational assessments and touring a few private school just to be well informed of our options. One extra road bump for us is that DS7 has a twin smile
who is also gifted, possibly 2E but seems to be thriving in school. We will see.

My advice is to contact an educational psychologist if you haven't already. It was great for my peace of mind and support.