Your not-quite-16yo forgets to print an important portion of an assignment (thereby losing the points for it in one of her classes, and earning a B rather than an A on something which is a significant portion of the class grade). Oh, and then attempts to lie to us about the discovery of this particular problem (she leaves paper everywhere and I saw the cover sheet with the remark on it that it was MISSING)... eek and mad


The following day, that same child learns that the "scary" professor (the one that terrifies the other majors with her intensity and-- em-- sharpness-- but has a mutual fanclub thing going on with my DD) has hand-picked her to be assistant director next fall (when she will be just 16yo) in one of the university's 3 major productions for the next year. For a VERY well-known Shakespeare play. Because she has "vision" and a big-picture understanding in a way that most undergraduates do not, apparently. Why yes, this professor does know about Hamlet, the musical tragi-comedy. grin

I can't decide if we should treat her as though she is four.... or twenty-four. Asynchrony, they name is {Insert DD Name Here}.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.