Originally Posted by Mana
DD4 on time & numbers:

DD: Numbers go on infinitely on both directions, right?
Me: Yes, I think so.
DD: But not days.
Me: You mean time?
DD: Yes, time. It had a beginning.
Me: I guess so.
DD: So it will have an end.
Me: Why?
DD: How can there be a beginning if there were to be no end?
Me: Hmmm. I don't see why that can't be the case.
DD: It makes no sense for it to be infinite only on one direction.
Me: Really?
DD: Really.

Any movie/book recommendations?

We are having the same conversations here! When my husband and I met, we half jokingly decided to stop talking about time/space because I was practicing living in my body and not just my mind (long story but a professor told me to get out of my head and he was right) and now this little person of ours, DS3 is taking us right back to this place. It's already strange enough to watch your children grow so fast and time is hard to grasp when you wake up to a new little person each day, let alone DISCUSS time in this way with your child. Mind boggling.