I talked to him (teacher). It sounds like so far it's Algebra and she's not writing out the steps, she's figuring out X in her head. So she's not showing how she is getting X. I had suggested using some kind of app for writing, like modmath but I don't even know if that's possible with Algebra. I think she might have dysgraphia. He says most of these chapter tests are NOT multiple choice, which is good.
He also said that she scored over 50 percent on the test for the grade before this one (7th grade math? Whatever comes before pre-algebra) so he thought it would be a waste of time to have her do that course if she knew most of it already. This made me laugh considering that the district requires kids to score 98 percent percent on tests to skip/accelerate otherwise. Does anyone know if this would be mostly a repeat? Because obviously she's gotta get that 50 percent that she missed from somewhere.