Originally Posted by Displaced
[quote=Dude] In his K class last year, his handwriting was consistently about the worst in the class vs his peers. The teacher would place examples of the other children's writing up on the wall and DS's was almost always illegible. Or, it would be a marker outline he would trace. He also says his writing isn't as good as the other kids. He still doesn't color in the lines or draw beyond a simple stick figure for all his pictures.

You have a family history of dyslexia, and all of the sounds very much like it *might* be dysgraphia. Both can have a familial connection and can occur together or separately in the same family. It might *not* be either, but if there is either one present all the work in the world you put your ds through now might not help because it's not targeted effectively. Considering the family history I would make a neuropsych eval a priority over working on letters.
