No idea if they are following their own policy. When I first heard of the cluster grouping I looked it up on Wikipedia, and what this teacher is doing does not resemble that at all. I don't know if other cluster teachers are better or not. I know last year they split the 5 cluster kids between the 3 different teachers and a parent came once per week and pulled them out--so there wasn't even an official cluster teacher for that grade and the cluster kids weren't in the same class! That's now how it's supposed to work at all, even according to district policy!
There is currently no g/t coordinator and I'm trying to figure out who to even address questions to (or send DD's outside testing!). I have heard great things about the magnet--if we can just figure out how to get through this year and get into it next year (it starts for 4th graders). Otherwise I'm going to start looking at other schools/districts. Luckily we can open enroll into other districts, it's just not always easy.