Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
And ooooooo-- the caution about "smart kids," too. I've so made that mistake, blithely leaping in to 'share' and thrilled that another parent has a HG child... only to realize that, oops-- nope, what they mean is something pretty different than what we're used to and I just made them feel really inadequate, where previously they'd been very proud of their kids. (I hate that-- they SHOULD feel proud and happy.) I'll.. just... crawl into this convenient hole, here...

... when your 5yo reminds YOU that most other 5yo girls won't like a science kit, a boxed set of novels, or a copy of Grey's Anatomy for a birthday. "Mom, focus. {deep sigh and an eye roll} This isn't for me. {Child} won't like that." (Said with a tone of "Seriously?? Mom, what ARE you thinking??") blush

Oh, yes, that. And that, too.