Thanks for your replies. DD came home from school today, sat on my lap and said. "Mom, can you please have another conference with my teacher and get him to give me harder books? I can't stand it! The books are so easy and we stop every two seconds to review vocabulary. I wish you could homeschool me and I could learn interesting stuff." She actually asked me if there was some way she could be in GT and we have NEVER spoken about the fact that she is not in it.

Wow. We've had a few conversations about school-- mostly as I'm fishing to find out what they are really doing in class. But that's the first time she has ever articulated her frustration that way.

I guess it's time for another conference! I also contacted the diagnostic center at Johns Hopkins CTY to see about testing.

Hopefully we'll get some answers and know where to go from there. If you have any other suggestions, I'd love to hear them.