I would like to start by saying I really do appreciate all of you taking the time to read my post and respond with resources and advice. As a highly intellectual, middle class, working woman, I believe I will be able to form my own conclusions about the work people have done on this topic. Hopefully, without offending anyone I will say that I really do appreciate all the feedback and advice, but I don't particularly enjoy weeding through the bickering to find it.

Moving on...

I thought it was a very interesting comment made about children this age not normally engaging in play with other children, but rather, they engage in parallel play. (Sometimes I forget this is true) I commented about this to the daycare lady this morning and she said she finds it very interesting how he is so involved in actual play with the older children. When he is there, it sounds like he is somewhat of a ring-leader. One of the favorite things they play, once again, is trains. DS and his little buddy will line up and crawl around the room gathering "passengers" or "freight." One of them will be the engine and the other will be the coach car or the freight car. They will "hook up" by the second "car" holding on to the first "car's" feet. We often engage in this game at home as well (it is starting to take a toll on my knees!)

I also thought Kimck's comments about the furnace, plumbing, electrical work, etc was somewhat comical. My husband and I recently purchased a fixer-upper house and we are doing most of the repair ourselves. Our son is beside himself learning about all of the fixing we are doing. We purchased some little plastic tools for him last summer at a garage sale and it was the best $2 I think I ever spent! He followed DH around for a good hour last weekend "helping him" install new switches and outlets. Also, every time we go down into the basement, he has to check to see if the furnace is on. It is hilarious!

I like all of your thoughts on going to museums, zoos, etc. I live in the suburbs of Minneapolis, MN, so I have lots of great resources very nearby. Sometimes I get stuck in a rut in the winter, because of how darn cold it gets here!! It is often times easier just to stay home! I think I will check into what exhibits they have running in the near future at our children's museum and science museum! Great thought everybody, THANKS!