Yes, WELCOME! Mamabird!

Trust your instincts at this point. As far as enrichment--my personal opinion is read, read, read to him. One suggestion is to read him stories a little above his chronological age. I used to visit the library every week and check out 50 story books--you shoulda seen the fines if I was a couple days late!(fables, myths, culturally diverse folk tales). I didn't have the patience for stories that were not interesting to me. If he has very specific interests, nurture them. For instance, if he loves dinosaurs, take out a lot of books on them and learn all about them together and go see a natural history museum. If he likes fighter jets, research them and see if you can go to an air show. That's another suggestion--expose him to whatever's available nearby, museums, music, children's theater. Since you work, use your car-time to recite nursery rhymes, sing songs, play games like naming things that start with "T" or the "ttt" sound, then "S", etc. I personally don't think classes are as valuable at this age as one-on-one interaction. Bingo, shape matching, etc.

Is your home daycare provider doing any activities with the kids? I used to bring art supplies to ours or educational games/videos. If he's already interested in letters, numbers, shapes, you might get a couple pre-K workbooks from the grocery store or teacher's store to help him learn. I don't consider it "pushing" or "hothousing" (see that thread on this board) as much as following his lead. If he's not interested or able to do that, wait.