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Posted By: Mommy2myEm We got our accommodation officially!!! - 08/21/08 03:22 AM
We have a week until school starts and I have been waiting for our teacher assignment in the mail. It came today and DD9 is officially in the GT classroom with the "better fit" teacher that teaches 5th grade science and social studies and 7th grade math and LA!! The other teacher does 5th with 6th grade math and LA. I wasn't sure how the school would place DD since she is new and also her WISC-IV results had a "normal range" processing speed issue.

We will meet the teacher on Friday and I feel pretty good about this year compared to last 2 years without any acceleration (other than early grade skip). There may be some new issues this year, but at least we have a great start.

Posted By: momx2 Re: We got our accommodation officially!!! - 08/21/08 11:30 AM
That is good news! Good luck smile
Posted By: tay Re: We got our accommodation officially!!! - 08/21/08 12:11 PM
I live in MS and my child has been deemed gifted by IQ testing but we homeschool and our public school district will not allow us to participate in the gifted program that is mandated by the state. Can anyone give me any help with this issue.
Posted By: crisc Re: We got our accommodation officially!!! - 08/21/08 12:29 PM
Great news!
Mommy2myEm - YEAH wonderful news!!!!! Do you see any issues w/ your DD and the "normal range" PSI?
Jen: AWESOME! That's so great! I'm sure you'll both have a great school year.

Tay, I'm going to help you out and start a new thread for you so your question doesn't get buried here.
Thanks everyone for the congrats.

Dazed: The one area DD "struggles" with are timed math tests. Our old school was big on timed math facts where they would get so many minutes to complete 100 problems. This was the one area DD didn't do well, even on very simple problems. I always thought that she is a daydreamer and gets bored during these activities. She is also a perfectionist and doesn't seem to be in a hurry no matter what. There could be a processing issue, but since she score in the normal range, it wouldn't be considered a learning disability.

Our tester said it shouldn't be a big deal,since she scored DYS worthy scores on the Explore last year and did well on other achievement tests at school. Those are all timed tests and DD finished well within allotted time.

Posted By: Mia Re: We got our accommodation officially!!! - 08/22/08 01:45 AM
Hooray! That's awesome news.

Good deal.
First week of school is finished, and DD9 couldn't be happier!! The week before school started she was getting more nervous and told me more details of the teasing and bullying she experienced last year. I can't believe she didn't tell me everything at the time, but I understand why. She is learning to trust adults and trying to put a bad experience behind her.

Her GT teacher is wonderful and very experienced. DD is participating in her accelerated (7th grade) math and kids are asking her to be a part of their group because she found a solution to two problems no one else did. This is such a great boost in her confidence and a big change from last year. Since they are just getting started, they are doing a lot of group problems and creative solving which is DD's strength. All kids in her classes are GT identified and very accepting and friendly. I was afraid of competition, but that is not the case (at least not yet).

DH and I have learned that "gambles" sometimes pay off. We moved and took some financial risk to make this happen, but I would rather do this than raise a depressed and frustrated child. I want public schools to work for gifted kids and hopefully I have more good news to report as the school year goes on.

Congrats! That's just amazing, DD is so lucky to have you. Your persistence and the risk you took paid off! Hooray!
Posted By: LMom Re: We got our accommodation officially!!! - 08/30/08 07:05 PM
Jen, that's wonderful news! I am glad DD is happy and appreciated by other kids!
Thanks incogneato, Dottie and LMom. I am most happy about the social aspect, but the educational fit is pretty good as well. We have "curriculum night" coming up which will help me determine how appropriate math and LA will be for Em.

Posted By: S-T Re: We got our accommodation officially!!! - 09/01/08 02:20 AM
That's very good news Mommy2myEm! I understand what u meant by the social aspect. I am *forever* wishing that DS8 will find kids that he can connect with and they can treat each other with kindness and respect! It is not easy to uproot the family with so much uncertainties. I am glad it has worked out! smile
Posted By: questions Re: We got our accommodation officially!!! - 09/01/08 03:25 AM
So glad to hear that your DD is off to such a good start this year. Great news!
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