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Posted By: st pauli girl Chess for iPad/iPhone - 04/25/12 05:17 PM
Anyone found a fun, good chess app for the iPad or iPhone? My DS8 likes to play chess at chess club and at tournaments, but since he pretty much refuses to play any other time, he's not improving very quickly. I thought a chess app might be fun. He's an intermediate player, I would guess around a 400 rating. I saw there was a fritz and chesster app (black eye chess), but it got crummy reviews.
Posted By: LNEsMom Re: Chess for iPad/iPhone - 04/26/12 03:13 AM
Well, not sure that this is what you're looking for, but you could just get Chess with Friends and then find people who will play against him. My DS plays chess with his Grandpa in Texas this way. It is also a great way to maintain their relationship long distance since they don't see each other that often but both enjoy chess. For your ds, if you found the right partners to play with him it maybe it would work.
Posted By: mom77 Re: Chess for iPad/iPhone - 04/26/12 03:35 AM
My DS6 uses chess geek kids. He is a beginner though. This app has an option to play with the computer with a setting of 0 to 100, 0 being the easiest.
Posted By: mithawk Re: Chess for iPad/iPhone - 04/26/12 11:25 PM
My son, who plays tournaments regularly, uses tChess Pro on our iPod & iPad. He likes it a great deal.

The company has also released tChess Lite, which is $0.99.
Posted By: ABQMom Re: Chess for iPad/iPhone - 04/26/12 11:47 PM
My 12 year old and husband play each other on Chess With Friends.
Posted By: st pauli girl Re: Chess for iPad/iPhone - 04/27/12 02:21 AM
Thanks for all the ideas! I'll check them out. And see if I can find a willing chess partner for DS....
Posted By: herenow Re: Chess for iPad/iPhone - 04/27/12 02:57 AM
Originally Posted by mom77
My DS6 uses chess geek kids. He is a beginner though. This app has an option to play with the computer with a setting of 0 to 100, 0 being the easiest.

I am having trouble finding this. Is it the Chess Academy for kids by Geek Kids?
Posted By: mom77 Re: Chess for iPad/iPhone - 04/27/12 09:47 AM
Yes it is chess academy for kids by geek kids. Sorry for not being clear.
Posted By: S-T Re: Chess for iPad/iPhone - 05/10/12 05:06 AM
I started allowing DS11 to play online (with other players) on this year. MY only rule is "no chatting" online. He loves solving the daily puzzles and reading chess news.
He has asked for either the fritz and chesster app for the iPad. I am thinking abt it.
Posted By: st pauli girl Re: Chess for iPad/iPhone - 05/10/12 03:09 PM
Thanks again for the advice. My DH downloaded tChess Pro (thanks mithawk), and DS and DH both seem to like it. (I suspect DH got the idea from this site, but I forgot to ask him...)

S-T, the sounds fun too. FYI - have your DS read all the review on the Fritz and Chesster app for iPad before you commit. And if he gets it anyway, I'd love to hear your/his review here.
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