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Posted By: Nikita A Mathematician's Lament by Paul Lockhart - 08/25/10 12:09 AM
Lockhart's Lament was discussed here earlier this year:

I just saw that he has now published a book of the same title:

For anyone that has read the new book: is there new content? It's 140 pages vs. the 25 page PDF, but in the first few pages on the Quick Look, it appears to be the same text in bigger font on smaller pages.

If he has expanded the text, I would certainly buy a copy!
Originally Posted by Nikita
It's 140 pages vs. the 25 page PDF, but in the first few pages on the Quick Look, it appears to be the same text in bigger font on smaller pages.

The foreword refers to "this greatly expanded book version." Six pages of the book cover 2 pages of the PDF - but the foreword and illustrations get you to page 15. So I'd guess some new material, but not twice as much stuff as the original.
Posted By: kaibab Re: A Mathematician's Lament by Paul Lockhart - 08/25/10 12:44 AM
I haven't read the longer version, but I love the short version. I was convinced in only 25 pages. grin
Posted By: Nikita Re: A Mathematician's Lament by Paul Lockhart - 08/25/10 03:21 AM
Thanks for pointing out that section of the forward, AlexsMom. That's what I get for rushing. blush

Looking around today, I also came across Lockhart's replies to some of the questions and criticisms of his lament:

Off to buy his book...
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