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Posted By: leahchris WOW moment - real conversation - 05/21/13 05:18 PM
Just a WOW moment.

My DGS7, who is on the spectrum, is really communicating with us, not just talking all the time, since school let out. It is really cool. He always talks a lot, and uses a lot of words, but says little. Now, he is asking how my day was, how my ill uncle was doing after I went to visit the hospital and generally taking some interest in the people around him. It seems without the constant sensory overload and stress of school, he has the energy to hold some two-way conversations. He is also telling me he has to do things in a certain order e.g. when he wakes up (his "morning routine") so I understand and will make sure he has the time to do this before we go anywhere. All school year, he never said a word about it.

And he wonders why we are homeschooling next year! I wouldn't give up the last few days for anything! WOW!

Posted By: HowlerKarma Re: WOW moment - real conversation - 05/21/13 05:38 PM
Leahchris, that is amazing. SO happy for you!! smile
Posted By: polarbear Re: WOW moment - real conversation - 05/21/13 05:43 PM
Awwweee... that is sooo cool Leahchris!!! I am so happy for your gs! I hope he has a very happy summer!

Thanks for sharing with us -

Posted By: Mk13 Re: WOW moment - real conversation - 05/21/13 05:52 PM
DS is a lot more balanced and less moody when he's home all day instead of in pre-school half a day. Plus he very easily takes on all the bad habits other kids have so then I'm undoing at home what school / classmates did at school. Public half day Kindergarten in the fall will be our "test" if we even get that far. I want to try some informal homeschooling over the summer and see how he'd do.
Posted By: DeeDee Re: WOW moment - real conversation - 05/22/13 02:05 AM
Leahchris, how very exciting!

Our DS has often made really sudden leaps in communication skills. And for him they do often happen around transitions, rather than when everything is staying the same. (Travel is another good stimulus; he would make a huge gain all at once right after arriving home, leaving us wondering how that happened.)

Those early elementary years are the toughest, I think, for a kid with the gifted/ASD profile. But they do learn and grow. I hope you continue to find nice surprises together!

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