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Posted By: ElizabethN PTSA meeting - 02/12/13 09:28 PM
I went to a PTSA meeting last week (which I almost never do), because it was information night for enrolling DS in kindergarten so I was there already anyway. The new superintendent of schools was there talking about his vision for the district, and mentioned that he was setting up a committee to study special education. I raised my had and asked if they would be looking at the district's approach to twice-exceptional kids. He didn't equivocate, or ask what that meant - he said, "Yes, absolutely. We have more and more of those kids and we need to handle them properly." grin

The proof, of course, is in the pudding, but I was still pleased.
Posted By: bzylzy Re: PTSA meeting - 02/12/13 09:39 PM
Great! Let us know how it goes. Sometimes progress starts on your coast and drifts to the rest of us after a time.

Did you use the term 2E or twice-exceptional? I'm just curious. I haven't actually used that term yet but I think I'll start floating it. My DD always confuses people. She is so NOT gifted in the expected sense, even if it means framing her way over on the right side of the bell curve, still doesn't explain her, but 2E seems to fit very comfortably.

Posted By: ElizabethN Re: PTSA meeting - 02/12/13 10:01 PM
I said "twice exceptional," not 2E. I think "2E" is a messageboard abbreviation that I wouldn't use in speech, any more than I would refer to "DD" instead of "my daughter" (or her name!) when talking to someone from the school.
Posted By: bzylzy Re: PTSA meeting - 02/12/13 11:38 PM
thank you
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