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Posted By: amazedmom Geography - 12/02/09 11:21 PM
DD has become exreamly fascinated in geography. Her grandmother gave her a globe she was goingt to sell at a garage sell. DD will now spend hours asking about countries, knows all the continents, etc. It's just fascinating to me to watch as I never really was into anything like this. Especially not at her age. She is only 2.8. She asked for a puzzle of the United States from Santa, and I found a Melissa and Doug one that says they names of the states.

I just had to share because this is just fascinating to me and I knew yall would get it smile
Posted By: motherbear Re: Geography - 12/03/09 09:18 PM

You are a great mum.

My son asked several times about the world map but I never found one for him.
Posted By: BigBadWool Re: Geography - 12/03/09 11:57 PM
I got my DS (4.3) the leapster talking globe. They don't make them anymore but, it is fantastic!!! He loves it so much and knows countries I had no idea existed. LOL
Posted By: Jamie B Re: Geography - 12/04/09 12:07 AM
My mom got DS a talking globe from Sams Club, I think, that he just loves.

I think it's funny too how into geography they are!
Posted By: Jamie B Re: Geography - 12/04/09 12:07 AM
Oh we found a world map at our local hardware store. I don't know why they had them and it's made of out foam so DS can put it together and step all over it smile
Posted By: onthegomom Re: Geography - 12/04/09 01:05 AM
A World Of Wonders : Geographic Travels In Verse And Rhyme

I recommend the above. the illustrations are wonderful.

I have another one but I'll have to get back to you with the title. It is a picture book with kids from around the world and talks about what they do like eating native foods, clothing ect.

I also have some videos with kids in different geographical locations.

I think it wonderful to link locations to animals and people with customs that give the places life and value.

We also have the talking globe. I love that.
Posted By: amazedmom Re: Geography - 12/04/09 02:13 AM
I will have to look for a talking globe and check out that book. Our librarian just pulled us a set of books on each continent that are pretty interesting. smile
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