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Posted By: Lily1972 SET from Johns Hopkins University. - 12/03/15 07:29 PM
How long did you wait for their reply/decision? I emailed them about 3 weeks ago and have not yet heard anything. Could it be a month-on-month process like DYS? Thank you.
Posted By: Quantum2003 Re: SET from Johns Hopkins University. - 12/03/15 08:02 PM
I am not sure what you mean by emailing them? It's not like DYS. If they receive valid test scores from College Board, then you are in. There is no decision. JHU SET emails you the invitation with questionaires. You accept or not by returning the questionnaires. The invitation came within days of release of scores by the College Board. We sat on the invitation for two months (lazy/busy), but once we sent back the questionnaires, another welcome email with links came within a couple of days. The hardcopy Imagine magazine along with another publication (SET members) came by mail 2-3 weeks later.
Posted By: Lily1972 Re: SET from Johns Hopkins University. - 12/03/15 08:47 PM
Thank you for your reply. We took SAT outside of CTY, on our own, so the results were not automatically shared with CTY. I then looked up CTY's website, where there was an email address to send the results to. Which is what I did. But there has not been any reply at all. But your response gives me a good sense of timing. Thank you.
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