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Posted By: mominMA Newbie...looking for help with scores - 12/12/13 03:46 PM
Hi. I was wondering if someone could perhaps help me interpret my son's scores. This was from a school assessment done for behavioral problems. He is 6 and in kindergarten, he has ADHD tendencies, and we're in the process of evaluating for SPD....I was thinking 2e for a while, but maybe not....
VCI 99 47th%
PRI 117 87%
WMI 104 61%
PSI 75 5%
FSIQ 101 53%
GAI 108 70%

VCI subtest
Similarities 10 50th
Vocabulary 10 50th
Comprehension 10 50th
Information 16 9th

PRI subtest
Block design 12 7th
Pic. Concepts 8 25th
Matrix reasoning 18 > 99%
Picture complete 12 7th

WMI subtest
Digit span 11 63rd
Let - number 11 6 3rd

PSI subtest
Coding 9 37th
symbol search 2 <1%
Cancelation 9 37th

Due to the big differences in his PRI and PSI (42 points) and statistical differences between his other tests, they said his FSIQ should not be used, and that with the difference between his PRI and VCI, even his GAI score should be viewed worth caution.... it's all very confusing. ...
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