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Posted By: islandofapples Does anyone here have hypothyroidism? - 07/28/11 12:14 AM
I doubt any of you do, but I was just wondering if any of you have hypothyroidism or any other medical condition that makes you feel like crap and have "foggy brain" as a symptom.

I ask because my ability to focus, remember and just plain think has gone down over the years as a result of having this. I am medicated, but I still have the fogginess every once in a while. I feel like an idiot sometimes and I've been known to cry in frustration on occasion because I can't think like I used to be able to.

Other people don't get it, but I am sure some of you love doing things like puzzles / brain teasers and if you couldn't count on your mind to work right anymore it would bother you a lot.
Posted By: sydness Re: Does anyone here have hypothyroidism? - 07/28/11 12:51 AM
My DD9 was diagnosed with Graves (hyper) at 4 but has turned to hypothyroidism...(Hashimoto)...she takes her meds and seems to be fine. I have wondered if the hyperthyroid part ever played a part in her going through milestones it makes everything in your body go faster...maybe it does your brain too?
Posted By: MumOfThree Re: Does anyone here have hypothyroidism? - 07/28/11 12:59 AM
I don't have hypothyroidism, but I have other medical issues that cause brain fog, and yes, it's awful. I really feel for you.
Originally Posted by sydness
My DD9 was diagnosed with Graves (hyper) at 4 but has turned to hypothyroidism...(Hashimoto)...she takes her meds and seems to be fine. I have wondered if the hyperthyroid part ever played a part in her going through milestones it makes everything in your body go faster...maybe it does your brain too?
I duno. I was hyper, too, because when you first get Hashimoto's you go through cycles of hyper / hypo as your thyroid is being destroyed. Hyper doesn't feel very good, either, and I think they both interfere with the ability to think clearly and work well.

Originally Posted by MumOfThree
I don't have hypothyroidism, but I have other medical issues that cause brain fog, and yes, it's awful. I really feel for you.

Do you do anything special to try to overcome it? I was having a series of really clear days for a bit so I worked on my business those days. Before I was diagnosed I was singing somewhat professionally. I started to think I really needed therapy because I felt so unmotivated and I could never count on my ability to sing the notes perfectly. I thought I was just crazy, but there was actually a hormonal explanation (well, mostly. grin)
I feel like this has really disrupted my attempts to achieve my goals.
Posted By: no5no5 Re: Does anyone here have hypothyroidism? - 07/28/11 03:18 PM
I have Hashi's. And I've definitely got brain fog. What I've never been clear about is how much of the brain fog I can realistically attribute to the Hashi's and how much is a result of getting older, becoming a mother, staying at home more, etc. Maybe my lack of clarity about this is because of the brain fog?

Anyway, it doesn't bother me that much (I tend to figure I could use some challenge), but the lack of energy does. Again, I'm not sure how much of that is due to the Hashi's and how much is due to my kids sucking all of my energy out of me for their own nefarious purposes. wink
Posted By: Peter Re: Does anyone here have hypothyroidism? - 07/28/11 03:54 PM
I do not have thyroid problems but I do have many patients with hypo or hyperthyroid problems. Both spectrum can cause loss of concentration, forgetfulness, "foggy brain". Make sure your enzyme levels are within normal limit. Otherwise, you may have to adjust levothyroxine/synthroid that you are taking.

But people still do have foggy brain once in a while although you are taking optimal dose. I am not sure how long you have this issue. A lot of people tolerate better with time.
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