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Posted By: questions Drum lessons? - 07/26/08 07:25 PM
DS8 says he'd like to take drum lessons. Anyone with experience re: drum for a first instrument? He has no interest in piano or violin. Rock on.
Posted By: kimck Re: Drum lessons? - 07/26/08 07:30 PM
I played drums in high school and took some lessons. The teachers I worked with insisted that someone had at least a couple years note reading experience with another instrument before taking up drums. My nephew had the same experience. He basically took a couple years of piano just so he could do drums.

However, it may be worth it to call around and see if anyone is willing?
Posted By: Kriston Re: Drum lessons? - 07/26/08 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by questions
Rock on.

<fist in the air>


Posted By: questions Re: Drum lessons? - 07/26/08 11:19 PM
Hi, kimck,

I found this - looks good, right?

Drumset and percussion are offered at the _____________________ locations for students of all levels. Beginners learn basic rhythm and reading skills through snare drum and drumset and receive an introduction to mallet techniques, while advancing students receive coaching in various aspects of percussion. All percussion students learn how to read music, maintain good sound production, and develop the dexterity to play the major percussion instruments.

______________________ teachers in the wind, brass, and percussion department incorporate ear training, sight reading, music fundamentals, musicianship, and the promotion of good work habits into their instruction at all levels, and remain responsive to students' individual needs and learning styles.

The minimum age for winds and brass private study is 9; for recorder study, 6; for drum study, 7. The recommended lesson length for beginners is 30 minutes.

I'm not prepared to buy a drum set though.

Yep, Kriston, that's DS8. cool

Posted By: Kriston Re: Drum lessons? - 07/27/08 12:22 AM
Looks good to me, especially if you don't have to buy the drum kit!
Posted By: EandCmom Re: Drum lessons? - 07/27/08 12:32 AM
DS7 also wants to take drum lessons but I don't think I could take the noise level!!! crazy DS10 is currently taking bass guitar lessons and the place he takes will also start with 6 year olds on drum lessons. A friend of DS7 takes drum lessons there currently and loves it. His mom did buy a drum set but I am not prepared to do that at this point either. I've told him if he remains interested for awhile we'll look into it.

Let me know if you decide to do it and how it goes!! smile
Posted By: kimck Re: Drum lessons? - 07/27/08 01:11 AM
That sounds awesome! It's nice they teach fundamentals while doing drum.

Yes - rock on! grin Don't tell DS at my house though. He would love to take electric guitar. Maybe after a few more successful piano years for him.
Posted By: Texas Summer Re: Drum lessons? - 07/27/08 01:33 AM
I had a little brother who played drums and the noise was unbearable to me with my noise sensitivities. When my husband wanted to buy a drum set a few years ago I was not enthusiastic. We finally compromised on an electronic set. Now he puts on his head phones and bangs away. All I hear is the soft tapping on the heads. The noise is similiar to the sound made with a practice pad. Serious drummers prefer acoustic sets, which are actually less expensive, but if you have to live with a drummer an electronic set is the way to go.

Posted By: LMom Re: Drum lessons? - 07/27/08 01:39 AM
It sounds like he can get what he wants to. Great. It's nice to see them trying new things. I hope you have a soundproof basement wink

DS5 has showed lots of interested in music lately to the point that I started asking around about piano lessons. Today we asked him if he would like to learn to play the piano and he got all excited. To be honest I didn't see it coming and have been quite surprised with the latest development.
Posted By: questions Re: Drum lessons? - 07/27/08 01:44 AM
Thanks for the advice, Summer. I figured he'd at least have noise reducing headphones, but you're right, I'll need them too - and then, we have a dog... We just saw the movie "The Visitor" and I was thinking a nice bongo type drum. smile I'll call them and find out exactly what they use and what they recommend families do. We do have a basement. Not sure how soundproof... And frankly, we'll see how DS does with his first lesson.
Posted By: questions Re: Drum lessons? - 07/27/08 01:45 AM
It's supposed to be good exercise, too. Maybe I'll try.
Posted By: st pauli girl Re: Drum lessons? - 07/28/08 12:32 PM
I always thought drums had to be the most fun instrument to play. The drummer I dated was fun! wink

Yes, be prepared for the noise if you do get a drum set. We have a couple drum players in the 2 blocks around us, and i can hear them quite clearly when i'm outside walking the dog. hopefully everyone in their house has their noise-blockers on!

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