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Posted By: incogneato update on DD5 - 03/07/08 01:42 AM
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to give you a quick update on my progress in advocating for C-dog.
She had been coming home from school crying and saying she is stupid.
I talked to the principal and that went well. It was agreed that self confidence was a likely culprit, although principal thought it was more likely an issue with peer relationships.
The plan was to have social worker observe C-dog in the classroom and then set up a meeting.
S.W. called today and reported that she saw no issue with peers and the teacher thinks everything is just fine.
I gently prodded about some other issues and to her credit, she listened to me and agreed to look into it further.
I asked her if she knew anything about overexcitabilities, and to her credit she admitted she did not, but did not pooh pooh it.
I told her I wouldn't expect someone who didn't specialize in working with gifted kids or someone who wasn't a parent to a gifted child to know all about LOG and excitabilities, etc.. This was okay, because she is youngish and does not have kids yet, so I didn't seem to be offending her in any way(hopefully). She seemed genuinely interested and asked me a little about O.E.'s. I asked her if she would consider googling Dabrowski and reading a little bit about it before the meeting and she said she would.

I am looking forward to a somewhat productive meeting next week.

Wish us luck!

Posted By: Kriston Re: update on DD5 - 03/07/08 01:54 AM
Go get 'em, Tiger! smile
Posted By: kimck Re: update on DD5 - 03/07/08 02:04 AM
Sounds promising! We had this 25 year old male kindergarten teacher and he was so open minded, high energy, and just wonderful. He connected with each kid individually and didn't try to pigeon hole them. And he was very zen with boy energy. Sometimes experience is overrated! It's great just to have a teacher that will take the time to learn something and not get defensive immediately.

Good luck! Keep us posted.
Posted By: EandCmom Re: update on DD5 - 03/07/08 02:25 AM
Good luck incog! I'm so glad she listened to you. Teachers should want to know about their students and how to best help them. Isn't that what they're there for??? I've run into both kinds though. I'm so glad this one seems willing to learn more and is open to your input. Hope all goes well!
Posted By: Kriston Re: update on DD5 - 03/07/08 02:35 AM
Point of clarification: is it the teacher who listened, or the social worker?

I read it as the S.W. instead of the teacher. Did I misunderstand?
Posted By: EandCmom Re: update on DD5 - 03/07/08 02:48 AM
Kristin - you're right, she did say s.w. Ooops! Glad someone is willing to listen and help though! smile
Posted By: incogneato Re: update on DD5 - 03/07/08 02:53 AM
Thanks friends!

Yes, I did say social worker. Teacher will be at the meeting. Teacher sees things the way she sees them. Even a little understanding of the situation from her would be a big thing.
S.W. I believe can help a little, but mostly we are trying to be proactive about what to do next year. I will consider it successful even if we can come up with a reasonable plan for first grade.
And hey, someone is willing to listen an learn something new about GT kids.
That's a good thing!!

Posted By: Kriston Re: update on DD5 - 03/07/08 03:02 AM
Getting the social worker to see what's up would probably go a long way toward getting the teacher to understand, too. Anyone on your team--especially a pro!--is bound to be helpful. So I definitely take the SW's openness to LOGs and excitabilities to be a good thing.

Onward, 'Neato! On into the breech! wink
Posted By: Lorel Re: update on DD5 - 03/07/08 12:46 PM
Neato, I wish you luck. I get so sad imagining your little one crying...
Posted By: kimck Re: update on DD5 - 03/07/08 01:59 PM
Ooops - the social worker. eek

Anyone on the home team is a victory, right? I hope she proves to be as helpful as she sounds! Keep us posted!
Posted By: Mia Re: update on DD5 - 03/07/08 02:25 PM
Oh, how great! Good luck! Poor dd2, how sad she must have been ... I'm glad that you've got an understanding social worker, and I hope the meeting goes well!
Posted By: kickball Re: update on DD5 - 03/07/08 02:52 PM
Heard sylvia rimm last night she addressed many issue around de-throning and perfectionism that could upset a child like that as well. gifted kids get so much praise - that if other kids finish faster (perceived at that age as better) or they miss something or don't know all the answers it can feel like a fall from grace... if they've identified themselves as being smart but something is hard.... seems young for such a thing but i know our now 6 year old had these issues wehn she smarted violin because it didn't come out perfect the first time.. which is exactly why we started her on it (here honey - time for something you won't be perfect at - you have to practice).
Posted By: incogneato Re: update on DD5 - 03/07/08 09:05 PM
I love Sylvia Rimm and that's a great point. That's not what is causing C-dog's confidence problem, though.
C-dog does violin as well, started at 4. It was hard for her because of a fine motor delay, but she's loved it and has progressed beatifully.

Posted By: incogneato Re: update on DD5 - 03/07/08 09:07 PM
I love Sylvia Rimm and that's a great point. That's not what is causing C-dog's confidence problem, though.
C-dog does violin as well, started at 4. It was hard for her because of a fine motor delay, but she's loved it and has progressed beatifully.

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