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Posted By: onthegomom new principal - new IEP? - 09/04/09 08:18 PM

Posted By: JBDad Re: new principal - new IEP? help - 09/04/09 09:07 PM

Wish I had advice to offer.

Posted By: st pauli girl Re: new principal - new IEP? help - 09/04/09 09:18 PM
Maybe you can somehow angle this in a way that makes the school know that your son already knew about and was excited about the upcoming algebra, and was extremely disappointed when he found out that he might not now get what he was told he was getting.

And also tell her you asked the algebra question to your DS, and he got it right. That some number of 8th graders got it wrong has no effect on a child who is not performing as an average child; he is beyond that.

Since the principal seems to like articles, I am sure you can find some good ones to send her. Anyone here have a suggestion? Maybe you can find something on hoagies:

Also, maybe you can mention something about spiraling curriculum, and that your DS doesn't need as many repetitions as other kids, and that he'll be fine with the review that comes in the beginning of the 5th grade math.

Posted By: onthegomom Re: new principal - new IEP? help - 09/04/09 09:21 PM
Do you think it is rue to say here is some places I've done research and send them websites like hoagies. If I lead them to Davidson and they read my post would that upset them?
Posted By: st pauli girl Re: new principal - new IEP? help - 09/04/09 09:29 PM
I think it's better to send links to specific articles. I would recommend stepping lightly though, in how you present things. Make yourself familiar with the article the principal's quoting, and show how it's not really applicable in your case.

I would not send them here. I'm sure they would be upset. Some people limit specifics on this type of board if they think someone in their district is lurking.
Posted By: melmichigan Re: new principal - new IEP? help - 09/04/09 09:45 PM
Is the principal familiar with your son's school history? I ask only because maybe they are looking at in the sense that you have held him back the two years, now you want him moved up the two years kind of mind set. I certainly don't think that is right but am wondering if this could be in play in this situation? It's obvious that even then he would need more challenging material but maybe they aren't looking at it that way. As mentioned, they may not be able to understand what his scores really mean. My DD9 is in 5th grade and they couldn't make accomodations for her, and many of the staff just didn't get it. It's so sad that because they don't get it our kids have to suffer.
Posted By: st pauli girl Re: new principal - new IEP? help - 09/04/09 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by Dottie
Here's what I might write in response...

Dear Mrs. Principal,

I have heard similar stories, and am equally appalled by our nations failure to educate our children, particularly in math. And I agree with the thrust of the article, and that our race for early algebra should not be our goal. This is absolutely true for the student population as a whole. However, this thinking looks only at the big picture for all kids, and fails to see each child as an individual.

I'm enclosing my son's WJ achievement testing, and would like to highlight the rarity of his math scores. His overall score was 145, which reflects a mathematical ability that is three full standard deviations from the norm. As such, his math ability is in the range of 1 in 1000, and vastly different from that of the majority of students. The article you shared really does not apply to children with such outlier abilities.

I commend your efforts to pursue what's best for your student population as a whole, but please keep in mind that any mass rule will always have exceptions, and consider the possibility that my son is one of those exceptions. I again request that he be considered for a more appropriate math placement at this time.

Very nice Dottie!
Posted By: onthegomom Re: new principal - new IEP? help - 09/05/09 12:34 AM
I decided to delete my original post. Thanks for the advice. I saved it in a word file for reference. There was some confusion because I thought the Saxon 5/4 math book he was currently using was 5th Grade, that was our IEP plan. I thought they were going to take that away. He was using the 4th Grade book currently and has been excited about doing this Math. (The gifted teacher just sent me a note that clarified this) It's dissapointing that he may not being as challenged as he could but he is currently excited about doing this book. I think how he feels about this is very significant. It's scarey to think about saying to them he is 3 deviations above normal. I don't even grasp all this so how can I really discuss it. I wish I could. I hope we get in DYS I'm going to submit very soon. If they could talk to the school for me how great!
Posted By: onthegomom Re: new principal - new IEP? help - 09/05/09 12:44 AM
It was a big step for our school to give him this IEP. I'm going to tread gently and wait to see if gets in DYS. Right now my DS is doing well in school socially and in class. This is A big change from the 2nd half of last year. It all could change but I'm just going to keep talking to him about it all and hope for the best. He knows I care and I'm trying.
Posted By: onthegomom Re: new principal - new IEP? help - 09/05/09 03:25 AM
Let's say this principal is a caring person and is just really concerned about my DS jumping ahead because it will disadvantage him. Below are two paragraphs that state her concern. Do you think a principal can relate to the achievement test scores? I have never even met her yet. She state she is doing research on this. Well I too have done research for a year on the Internet and it took me a while to get what I needed. So, would you give a principal suggestions. I was thinking of the book, Being smart about being gifted. Do you think this is a good choice along with hoagies. Or should I do nothing. I wonder what will make credible info to them. There is a gifted teacher at this school at our school so she would probally go to her for suggestions. So maybe it would be weird to do anything.

I ask for some time as I am finishing my research on this subject and have located the article entitled, �Recalculating the 8th-grade Algebra Rush.� This article was dated September 22, 2008 in the Washington Post (can pull up on internet). The following question in the article resonated with me:

There were 90 employees in a company last year. This year the number of employees increased by 10 percent. How many employees are in the company this year? Only 9.8 percent of the eighth grade students who were placed in Algebra answered correctly.

Posted By: st pauli girl Re: new principal - new IEP? help - 09/05/09 02:05 PM
Have you spoken with your school's gifted teacher? If not, I would start with her, and get her advice on how to explain the difference between your gifted child and those 8th graders in the study presented by your principal. As for Hoagies, I would recommend searching through it yourself to handpick the most relevant articles related to your child's mathematical talents, rather than just sending a link to Hoagies in general. You could offer books, but teachers and principals are busy, so if you do, I would recommend marking a particular section you want them to read.

And maybe or maybe not helpful, but Tamara Fisher has some good articles on how to respond when you hear some common myths about gifted kids, here:

A new blog i found:
Posted By: onthegomom Re: new principal - new IEP? help - 09/05/09 11:41 PM
thank you I will look at that.
Posted By: onthegomom Re: new principal - new IEP? help - 09/08/09 01:21 PM
Well I went back to our IEP and looked again. He was never suppose to do 5th Grade Math on the IEP. Some how I got this in my head. The book currently being used is Saxon54 and it's a 4th Grade book. The IEP never stated the actual grade. So I feel a little embarrassed but not too bad.

I did receive a note from the gifted teacher and she will skip some info in the 4th grade book as it is more repetition than he needs. She thinks he will finish this book this year. If there is time he will go on to the next book. I do feel like this is not a perfect situation but it's a good start. Some of this is about him proving what he can do to the school and how it will effect him. They need baby steps.

I'm hoping we will get in DYS so they can help. Last year, I proved he really needed more challenge and is very self motivated. I pushe dfor testing and they did it for me. This year my goal is figuring out how to let a teacher/school be comfortable with him skipping or acceleration when the option is available. The teacher has already let him go ahead, along with another child on some reading materials and then he got out his extra Math workbook he loves. I feel like she is looking for ways to challenge him. I wish we could look at each year ahead and know what he needs to learn or doesn't. I wish I could say to them concrete things like he only needs 2 repetitions while most students need 7. But how can anyone really know this? I have a lot to learn with out enough time. I'm thinking maybe I should take a speed reading course.

I'm also thinking the principal wants to help and understand. She said she will be researching this that is much better than saying we just can't deal with this. After having more time to think this all over I think there is hope to make things better for my DS9.
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