Obviously, I need to do more my homework on the testing here in Orange County.
My son's birthday is in June and he started K when he was 6. He had all of the skills and social skills when he was 5 and could of started K. We choose however, to wait a year on the advice of many. Feeling, that it is better to be older the younger.
We always knew that he was extemely verbal and could understand concepts that was not in par with his age level. We chalked it up to being older parents and none of our friends having kids. We just took him everywhere and I would just constantly being teaching him and talking to him about things. Partly, so I would not be bored. I now have 3 boys... 8. 6 and 1 and still do the same thing. My 6 year old is in K and is also being recongnized for his ability.
At the moment, I have no idea if I am just a proud mom or if I have been missing the boat. When we moved to FL my 8 year olds K teacher talked to us and said to make sure that I am really involved with his teacher and make sure the push him. I have taken that to heart with my 2 older boys and now feel like I have not been doing enough. I can not tell you the HOURS of research I have done on schools and talking to people to make sure that we have the right fit. My 8 year old has had his life plan from the age of three and now has a well thought out plan on how to get there.
I so worried about not getting them the right oppurtunities and now feel like I have failed them after all of the work I thought I have done. I guess, we will just take it one step at a time and see where we go from here.