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I am asking because my son is repeating the 3rd grade class.
He originally took 3rd grade CTY , it has been a while so b4 enrolling him in the 4th grade one, I figured lets let him do the 3rd grade EPGY to brush up for $45.

The thing is , it doesn't seem the same to me.
Am I nuts? Is it really identical?
It seems much easier, he is half way though in a few weeks. That was not the case with CTY.

He took it already, so it should be easier.

The program is designed to give more problems to kids who are struggling with a topic, and fewer to kids who are breezing through.
That is interesting, do they both work like that?
I was thinking maybe CTY is harder but maybe it just seems that way because this is the 2nd time he is doing it.
Not familiar with CTY but there are settings for EPGY to provide less review for kids that really don't need the repetition.
Thanks Shellymos.
It is so much cheaper than CTY just worried is it not as challenging. Maybe it is identical and it is too soon to tell. When he finishes the course then I will know for sure. The set questions got very hard, I def. remember those.
Originally Posted by traceyqns
That is interesting, do they both work like that?
I was thinking maybe CTY is harder but maybe it just seems that way because this is the 2nd time he is doing it.

The individual OE program is set at the reinforcement default, not the gifted setting from what I've been told. smile The only other difference is that the end of level exams were often different for CTY because they are done by the tutor, again just from what I'm being told.
Hi Melmichigan,
Oh, well that would explain it. I did enroll him in the OE program. I thought it would the same. So it is not set on the gifted option, so it is easier. Thank you. I know he did no fly through CTY like he is w/this.
Originally Posted by traceyqns
Hi Melmichigan,
Oh, well that would explain it. I did enroll him in the OE program. I thought it would the same. So it is not set on the gifted option, so it is easier. Thank you. I know he did no fly through CTY like he is w/this.

It may depend on what you mean by easier. My understanding (correct me if I'm wrong, someone!!!) is that the OE program, not being on the gifted setting, requires more of the same problems answered correctly before it increases to the next level of difficulty. But the degree of difficulty of the problems should be the same at each numbered level, between regular and gifted settings. So the difference should be that the gifted setting allows a faster pace through the levels, not a higher degree of difficulty at the same grade level. Someone please straighten me out if I am mixed up here - I would want to know this! Am I wrong? Aren't the grade levels (e.g. 3.4) tied to the sets of problems, so they should be the same level of difficulty regardless of the setting?

If your son is doing the same grade level again, it seems reasonable that he would find it easier the second time through.
Originally Posted by snowgirl
[quote=traceyqns]My understanding (correct me if I'm wrong, someone!!!) is that the OE program, not being on the gifted setting, requires more of the same problems answered correctly before it increases to the next level of difficulty. But the degree of difficulty of the problems should be the same at each numbered level, between regular and gifted settings. So the difference should be that the gifted setting allows a faster pace through the levels, not a higher degree of difficulty at the same grade level.

That's my understanding as well.
Originally Posted by shellymos
Not familiar with CTY but there are settings for EPGY to provide less review for kids that really don't need the repetition.

How do you access the settings for that in EPGY? I looked all over and can't figure out how to modify anything. Maybe I am just missing a screen somewhere? All I have been able to do is to advance his course by half a year blocks.
Susan, if you're doing individual OE, you can't adjust that setting.

I use Chrome, which lets you see the addresses of pop-up windows, so was able to reverse-engineer the level and number of math races, or bypass them completely, with a little bookmarking. (My DD hated the math races.)
Thanks, AlexsMom --

I emailed the coordinator for the EPGY group that I joined, and she said she can change the setting for me. We'll see if that works -- last night he went through an unbelievable number of repetitions of "equations that add up to 11". He didn't seem bored by it, and wanted to keep doing the program (I think he would have kept going all night if I had let him), but I am concerned that until we get to a level where he is actually challenged, he will get tired of the repetition.
Oh I hope you are correct. I hope it covers the same material.
It is too soon for me to tell for sure.
Im giving up on EPGY, it can't be the same. Just feels like a waste of time. Going to review the study guide and test b4 enrolling him in the next CTY class.
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