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Posted By: vicam oz. of hope - 11/02/10 07:55 PM
Last year was horrific both for DS8 and myself. Crying, failing,struggling to get needs met. Get the note asking me to come to conferences, sit down to face 3 teachers at once. I was bowled over when they said "we love your son" "he always has something interesting to add" No issues about his tourette tics and noises or obstinance just respect for who he is. Yes sometimes surviving a year can make the difference. I wanted to cry and hug those women all at the same time.
Posted By: Grinity Re: oz. of hope - 11/02/10 08:39 PM
Hi Vi -
Sounds like a wondeful conference. I am so grateful to those teachers. Beauty of the soul of a child is surely in the eye of the beholder.

so sad that last year was bad - so glad that this year is good!
Love and More Love,
Posted By: Breakaway4 Re: oz. of hope - 11/02/10 10:48 PM
What an amazing feeling when someone besides you "gets" and appreciates your child. Especially when it has not always been the case. So happy to hear of your positive conference!
Posted By: DeeDee Re: oz. of hope - 11/02/10 11:11 PM
Vicam, that's just tremendous. May there soon be a world where every child is loved and appreciated by his/her teacher. No matter what.

We too are in a sweet spot right now, with supportive teachers and great learning happening. I'm trying to take that time to unravel the giant yarn ball of stress that has accumulated over some years... I hope you can do some of the same.

Posted By: Grinity Re: oz. of hope - 11/02/10 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by DeeDee
May there soon be a world where every child is loved and appreciated by his/her teacher. No matter what.
Hear, Hear! I vote for DeeDee!
Posted By: blob Re: oz. of hope - 11/03/10 12:09 AM
Great to hear this, vicam! Sometimes, things DO work out! Your DS sounds like he put in quite a bit of effort to be able to get these comments. You must feel so proud!

DeeDee, sounds like you're in a great spot too! Yes it takes time for the mind and body to learn that it doesn't have to brace up all the time. Yay!!
Posted By: Chrys Re: oz. of hope - 11/03/10 12:25 AM
Awesome! I have been wondering how you and your ds were doing.
Posted By: Kate Re: oz. of hope - 11/03/10 07:18 PM
So glad to hear this!!! nan
Posted By: Catalana Re: oz. of hope - 11/04/10 04:53 PM
Wow, this is just lovely to read. If every teacher could just look at each kid as an individual and meet them where they are...

Posted By: Breakaway4 Re: oz. of hope - 11/06/10 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by vicam
Last year was horrific both for DS8 and myself. Crying, failing,struggling to get needs met. Get the note asking me to come to conferences, sit down to face 3 teachers at once. I was bowled over when they said "we love your son" "he always has something interesting to add" No issues about his tourette tics and noises or obstinance just respect for who he is. Yes sometimes surviving a year can make the difference. I wanted to cry and hug those women all at the same time.

I already commented on how amazing the conference must have been for you. Now happily, joyfully I can add my own wonderful conference experience. DS9 also had a horrible year last year, tears, terrible comments from the teacher and then some. This year in fifth grade he has three main teachers for science, L/A, social studies and math. And from all three I also got to hear about how funny and smart he is in class - about how they have no big issues with behavior other than some fidgetyness and calling out of answers but they all agreed that is when he is bored. On top of that they all said their greatest challenge is keeping him challenged and they had plans even...specific plans! I kept waiting for the "but..." and it never came....yeeeeeeeeeehawwwwwwwwww! They get him! They get him and they LIKE him. They get him and they like him AND they will teach him! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh if we closer Vicam you and I would have to go out and celebrate together!!
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