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Posted By: inky Cluster Grouping Handbook - 06/15/10 04:44 AM
Has anyone read this?
The Cluster Grouping Handbook: A Schoolwide Model: How to Challenge Gifted Students and Improve Achievement for All
Susan Winebrenner (Author)
I've read her book "Teaching Gifted Kids in the Regular Classroom" and am wondering how this is different.

I went to a school meeting and saw a MAP report which confirmed what I've long suspected. There's a significant percentage of students at the school who are projected to be above the state standard ("proficiency") but are below their individual growth index. Placement decisions at the school are based on achieving "balanced" classrooms and I think this is contributing to many students not meeting their target growth. It seems that Cluster Grouping could help but I'm sure I'd have to make a strong case to change what seems to be a long standing practice.

Posted By: Grinity Re: Cluster Grouping Handbook - 06/15/10 05:01 PM
I haven't read that one, but based on her writing style in Teaching Gifted Kids I don't doubt that she is persuasive and inspiring.

I'll bet you are on to something. It's really sad to have all that MAP info and not be using it. Can you talk to the principle and see if he or she is interested? Perhaps you can get Winebrenner to come work with the school as part of the continuing education budget? Is there someone at a state level win the education department who could be a resource? Do any of the neighboring schools use cluster grouping and MAP and you could set the two principles up to chat?

Remember that cluster grouping only is proven to have educational effects when the teachers actually teach to the groups new higher readiness level. No doubt they provide unmeasured social benifits without changing what the teacher is teaching, and that some teachers would up regulate based on what the students seem interested in, but...

Love and More Love,
Posted By: Kona Re: Cluster Grouping Handbook - 06/15/10 05:03 PM
Thank you for bringing this book to my attention.

I'm going to read it then bring it up to the curriculum committee at my dd's school. Our school just dropped its GT pull-out program and advanced math classes for next year. I too hope I can convince our school that the gifted kids need special attention in the classroom more than ever.

Posted By: inky Re: Cluster Grouping Handbook - 06/15/10 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Grinity
I'll bet you are on to something. It's really sad to have all that MAP info and not be using it. Can you talk to the principle and see if he or she is interested? Perhaps you can get Winebrenner to come work with the school as part of the continuing education budget? Is there someone at a state level win the education department who could be a resource? Do any of the neighboring schools use cluster grouping and MAP and you could set the two principles up to chat?

Remember that cluster grouping only is proven to have educational effects when the teachers actually teach to the groups new higher readiness level.
Our state law requires parent representatives on the School Based Decision Making Councils. I got elected on a platform which included using MAP data results to help each individual student achieve growth goals. The school council has the responsibility to set school policy and make decisions to enhance student achievement so I'll be meeting with the principal monthly. After nearly two years of asking as "just a parent" for the SBDM to get and review this data, the principal finally came through with it after the election.

Thanks for the suggestions and your point about teaching to the new higher readiness level is key. I think this helps explain why some of the grades have a high percentage of students meeting the growth goals while other grades are much lower. Even though the classes are "balanced" the teachers in some of the grades cluster between their classes for part of the day to teach to the readiness level.
Posted By: Grinity Re: Cluster Grouping Handbook - 06/17/10 06:21 PM
Hats off to the teachers who cluster between classes to teach kids at their readiness level. Even better when teachers from adjacent grades cluster for part of the day!
Posted By: Grinity Re: Cluster Grouping Handbook - 06/17/10 06:21 PM
Hats off to the teachers who cluster between classes to teach kids at their readiness level. Even better when teachers from adjacent grades cluster for part of the day!
Posted By: inky Re: Cluster Grouping Handbook - 07/13/10 07:43 PM
I got a copy and read through it. It is directed more at implementing a school wide model than the individual classroom like her other book. It gave enough information that I felt comfortable proposing our school consider this model.
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