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Posted By: kickball Dual Enrollment vs skipping school - 07/24/09 01:09 AM
I'm resisting partial hs-ing... but I was thinking of maxing out the number of days we can skip school in favor of planned learning days at home. But does that send a bad message about responsibilities etc. After the holidays I may let the youngest start a little pre-schooling - so truly dual enrolling would be a bit easier. Anyone ever stuck at this point - what pushed you over on way or another. We're up a grade now. I'm resisting another full grade skip. Subject matter skipping not offered (and frankly we'd have to be in with kids a lot older)... Where did that pile of sand go for my head.
Posted By: no5no5 Re: Dual Enrollment vs skipping school - 07/24/09 01:25 AM
DD3 is not in school yet, but right now our plan is partial homeschooling. Why are you resisting? It seems easier for all concerned. smile
Posted By: cym Re: Dual Enrollment vs skipping school - 07/24/09 02:43 AM
NO!!! I personally encourage as much skipping as possible. Here they have laws that judges will fine us for skipping too much--but as a kid, my best "school" was skipping. I skipping most of 2nd, 3rd, and 7th grades. Travelling with hippee parents. It was way more educational than the schooling.

we take our kids out of school more than most people but no where near what I imagined we would, just because of my DH's job.
Posted By: kickball Re: Dual Enrollment vs skipping school - 07/24/09 05:04 PM
I'm worried about blacklash spilling on my kids... in or out seems almost less grief. But I know the oldest is too social to pull her out and I'd go nuts.
Posted By: cym Re: Dual Enrollment vs skipping school - 07/25/09 12:47 PM
Attendance is a component that public schools are judged by under NCLB. The schools seem to put so much emphasis on attendance that my kids don't want to miss school. Plus there's so much make-up work that even my 7 yr old had to do (probably as a disincentive to miss school). My DH doesn't understand the dread I have when he wants to take the kids out of school and I have to inform the school and hope they don't take it out on the kids.
Posted By: melmichigan Re: Dual Enrollment vs skipping school - 07/25/09 02:07 PM
What are your concerns about partial homeschooling? I'm curious since my DD has a parial enrollment.

Maybe I missed an earlier post and if so could someone link for me please. smile
Posted By: melmichigan Re: Dual Enrollment vs skipping school - 07/28/09 01:55 AM
My DD pushed me to that point. The school wouldn't/couldn't meet her academic needs in all but parts of ELA. That wasn't going to change. I also couldn't see putting an 8 going on 9 year old in the middle school and exposing her to all that's related. I know it has worked for others but I don't feel it would work in our circumstance for many reasons.
Posted By: renie1 Re: Dual Enrollment vs skipping school - 07/28/09 03:06 AM
can someone give me a good site so i can read about partial homeschooling. have done some google searches and haven't found much. how do you know if it will be ok in your state? i want to understand these threads that deal with this also its intriguing to me.
Posted By: no5no5 Re: Dual Enrollment vs skipping school - 07/28/09 03:20 AM
Originally Posted by renie1
can someone give me a good site so i can read about partial homeschooling. have done some google searches and haven't found much. how do you know if it will be ok in your state? i want to understand these threads that deal with this also its intriguing to me.

I have not been able to find a reliable site (despite my best efforts). I would starting with the website of your state's DOE. I know at least some states offer partial homeschooling statewide with few restrictions. Other states may not have a statewide policy, but may allow it at the district-wide level.
Posted By: sanya Re: Dual Enrollment vs skipping school - 07/28/09 09:32 AM
Skipping school happens due to lack of interest in the studies
schools should make the studies more and more interesting by introducing new teaching methods like abacus method which makes the children interested in maths ,increasing there concentration etc. To grab any info regarding abacus pls contact
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