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Posted By: oneisenough questions to ask when viewing a school? - 01/21/09 03:08 AM
Goodevening all!

Tomorrow we are going to an open house at the Montessori school we are considering for preschool. I also have a private tour scheduled for thursday. I am just putting together a list of questions that I will need to find answers to and so far I umm don't have very many!

What would you want to ask about a preschool Introducation to Montessori program? It is a part time program that is 3 aftrernoons a week.

Thank you so much smile I am pretty sure preschool won't be happening this fall, but you never know!
Posted By: IronMom Re: questions to ask when viewing a school? - 01/22/09 10:20 PM
Definitely ask how they handle discipline and where they would put a disruptive child if they needed to be removed from class. i.e. do they have dedicated office space, with dedicated teacher, nto just officer work or would they call you every time to pick child up. (See my other posts on Montessori for more).
How did it go?
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