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Posted By: S-T Joining a higher grade class - 12/01/08 08:51 AM
Just a short update here..

Back in Sep, DS8 (who was tested with WISC etc at 6yo) was assessed by the sch psych. with higher level Math. He did well for testing at grade7-8.

Now: The sch psych is currently assessing him again (with fresh testings to help us with our possible next school move next summer). Even as the testing is going on and the results are not out yet, the sch psych told me that the results are even more impressive than before.

Today, DS8 came back and told me that the teacher will start to give him more challenging worksheets to do. I took a glance, there are mainly problem solving ones with lengthy stories. I am not sure what level these are. DS8 also told me that they are looking to see if he can join a Grade 5 Math class soon.

As much as I am happy, I do not know how to "react" as these are not communicated to me yet. I am not sure if the school wants to just "try it out" and see if it works first (b4 informing me) or they have other plans.
The previous plan of letting DS8 work on online Math during current Math lesson didn't work out because the teacher feels that most of the time DS8 still needs to sit in together with the class and do whatever they are doing.

Although DS8 is excited about joining the higher grade, I think he is a bit concerned about being with bigger kids. DS8 is petite. Even at his current level, he is the 2nd smallest in class. He is also concerned about having extra homework (as it means that he will have less time to play!). I think he was told that he will have to do some of the grade 3 work at the same time too.

Do you think this is a positive move? How can I help DS on this? Anything else I should do?
Posted By: Cathy A Re: Joining a higher grade class - 12/01/08 06:00 PM
The kids were told the week before, and through the grapevine we heard that many were not pleased...

I'll never understand this. Why would they care? How could it possibly affect them?
Posted By: acs Re: Joining a higher grade class - 12/01/08 06:36 PM
When DS went up to 8th (from 6th) for the first year of the HS math sequence, there was definitely resentment. At parent night, an 8th grader came up to me and said, "I hate your son." I asked why and she said because she works so hard to understand the teacher and get the work done while DS just walks in from 6th grade and gets A's. She had a smile on her face. And I said, "Yeah, I know what you mean. Some days I feel like that, too. And I'm his mother." Then we laughed. She never gave him any trouble, but I know it was discouraging for her to try so hard and not be as smart as a kid 2 years younger. I would guess she is not alone.

DS has been very careful about letting kids know what grade he is in now that he goes to the high school for math. It got out just around the quarter and, by then they already knew him, so by then it wasn't a big deal.
Posted By: S-T Re: Joining a higher grade class - 12/02/08 01:48 PM
Thank you Dottie! U have raised many points for me to consider.

I received a note from the teacher today, saying that she would let DS work ahead of the G3 unit (meaning:- he still have to complete his current Math Journal book) and she is also looking into letting him join in the G5 Math class. The "working ahead" part has started this week. Seems like the other plan is still in progress. I intend to send in a short reply but leaving the 3rd grade HW issue out first until the grade 5 plan is confirmed.

I can already sense that DS is not too enthusiastic abt extra homework. Sometime I wonder if they will get a "burn-out" from doing the things they love?

I would also prepare DS for questions/comments from his peers. Same for myself from other parents!

I agree with your DS that skipping to 2-3 grade higher may not even provide adequate challenge but I guess such arrangement is better than staying at current grade. DS8 just finished Aleks MS Course 3 and High Sch Foundation. At his current class, he complains that the teacher takes so long to explain while he is all ready to do it. He asks me what happens if he knows what is being taught at the Grade 5 class. What does your DS do when the higher grade class doesn't challenge him? Just sit through it and participate as usual, and hope that there will be something new to learn the next lesson?

Posted By: S-T Re: Joining a higher grade class - 12/02/08 01:50 PM
Over here, 6th grade would fall under MS. I don't think they will think of moving DS into MS (they will list emotional/social issues as a concern) and also the fact that DD11 is a 6th grader.
Posted By: S-T Re: Joining a higher grade class - 12/02/08 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by acs
At parent night, an 8th grader came up to me and said, "I hate your son." I asked why and she said because she works so hard to understand the teacher and get the work done while DS just walks in from 6th grade and gets A's. She had a smile on her face. And I said, "Yeah, I know what you mean. Some days I feel like that, too. And I'm his mother." Then we laughed.

U have given a great answer! I would have not know what to say!
Glad to know that your DS is doing well in HS math and the environment. smile
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